It wasn’t until several years later that I decided to start writing again. More specifically, in May of 2012, I decided I was going to try and write a book. I did some research, came up with an idea for my story, and started writing. I knew I was going to need some help so I joined SCBWI and found an amazing critique group. From that point on, I was writing at least twenty pages every two weeks.
When I wasn’t writing, I was on Twitter or Facebook, connecting with other authors and trying to build a fan base. Then, the magic number appeared, 20,000 words. I had actually written 20,000 words! I did a little happy dance, had a glass of wine to celebrate, and then got back to writing. My end goal was 60,000 words and I still had a ways to go.
September and October passed and my word count rose. When I did the math, the total number of words divided by 250, I was astounded that my total page count was over two hundred! I was writing, editing, and revising almost every day.
Finally, on a chilly November night, I reached 60,000 words! Talk about proud! I announced it on Facebook, Twitter, and to anyone who would listen! A short time later, it happened and by it, I mean I finished my book. HOLY CRAP! I finished my book! I could barely believe it!
So what next? I kept revising, editing, and perfecting my manuscript. Then, with the help of my Twitter friend Janet, I wrote my query letter. I must have been doing something right, because a publisher actually asked me to send them my work! After receiving two requests for full manuscripts, I received a contract to publish my first book, THE GRISHMA, with Limitless Publishing.
The past seven months have been full of hard work, long nights, and the occasional writer’s block. Also, trying to balance working full time as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher and writing a novel was tricky and at times, extremely tiring! However, when all was said and done, I persisted, I wrote my book, I was offered a contract, and now I’m on the path towards publication!
My parting advice, never give up on your dream and always believe in yourself! With hard work and persistence, you can accomplish anything!
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